SEO is an 80-billion-dollar industry and it is growing rapidly. Did you know that the majority of businesses are spending over $5000 on SEO? Yes, that’s true. Whether you’re a website owner or planning to become an SEO professional and looking for some motivation, this post is for you where you’ll find;

A handpicked list of 15 SEO inspirational quotes Key takeaways from each of these SEO quotes and more

Are you ready? Let’s jump into the details. 

15 Best SEO Quotes of All Time [A Handpicked List]

Takeaway: SEO is a never-ending marathon. If you want to increase or sustain your search traffic, you need to focus on SEO all the time.  There are a ton of people who spend lots of money on SEO for a few months and they ignore SEO once they start getting traffic. They’ll start seeing a drop in their traffic after a couple of algorithm updates from Google.  Make sure to regularly focus on improving your site’s SEO by optimizing your website, and improving the page speed if you want to stay ahead of your competitors.  Takeaway: Google ALWAYS rewards the websites that offer better user experience and valuable content. If your website lacks both of these things, it’s almost impossible to get first-page rankings in search engines like Google. Prioritize your website’s SEO by strategic keyword research, link building, and quality content to rank for your target keywords on Google.  Takeaway: If other websites start linking to you and mentioning your brand or products – you’re doing something great. Eventually, Google will start ranking your site if other websites mention you regularly.  Google hardly ranks a website that has zero mentions, thin content, and poor user experience. Make sure to improve those things if you want to get more search traffic from Google. Takeaway: Getting thousands of retweets on Twitter and Facebook likes is great. Having a website that attracts a million views from Google is even better. Why? Because SEO often converts better than social media. SEO often outperforms social media in terms of long-lasting traffic for free, better conversions, and sales. Takeaway: Buying links from Fiverr, keyword stuffing, and creating duplicate content to rank fast on Google – these are all some of the surefire ways to get penalized by Google. It’s not about gaming the system anymore, it’s all about adding value to your website. The best way to get more traffic from SEO is to learn the basic rules such as keyword research, link building, high-quality content creation, etc to build a website that everyone loves. Takeaway: Most people often focus on building external links to their websites and ignore internal links. Internal links are extremely important as they help you with better user experience, improve crawl efficiency, build your link equity, etc. Also, you’ll have 100% control over your website’s internal links as you can add them anywhere and use any anchor text you want to tell Google which keyword you want to rank. Takeaway: There’s nothing wrong in implementing the best SEO practices like link building, keyword research, on-page optimization, etc but when you focus ONLY on Google spiders (or bots), you’ll miss out on providing a better user experience. Write for humans first. Make your content and products helpful to your target audience instead of satisfying Google spiders. Takeaway: Did you know that only 25% of users go to the second page of Google search results? That means 75% of searchers stick to the first page of Google search results and will never click on the second-page results. That’s a harsh truth, right? Getting first-page results on Google is extremely important if you want to increase your rankings, leads, and sales. Make sure to properly optimize your pages, improve the page speed, and satisfy your website users to get better rankings on Google. Takeaway: SEO is not a magic wand where you can make magic things happen overnight. It takes a lot of time to get better results from search engine optimization. SEO does not imply overnight results. If you’re consistently putting efforts into improving your site’s user experience, content, products, etc – you’ll eventually get better results from SEO. Therefore your job as an SEO professional is to make your site extremely search-friendly. Takeaway: According to Internet Live Stats, Google now processes over 40,000 search queries every second on average, which translates to over 3.5 billion searches per day. The #1 reason for so many searches on Google is this: content. Without content, there would be nothing for search engines like Google to index and no way for users to find the information they need. That’s why it’s so important to create high-quality, keyword-rich content. People want good content including products, blog posts, case studies, videos, etc. Make sure your content is engaging enough to capture your audience’s attention. So if you’re looking to improve your website’s search visibility, don’t forget the power of great content. Takeaway: Whether you know it or not, Google uses over 200 factors in its algorithm for ranking websites. If all you do as an SEO professional is keyword research, you’ll never succeed. You need to focus on the users. Find out what they truly want and target those keyword phrases that add value to your website users.  Takeaway: No matter what industry you’re in, keyword research is extremely important. No matter how great your content is, if you don’t use the keywords or phrases that people are going to type on Google – you’ll not get search traffic. Use keyword tools like Semrush to find traffic-generating keywords in your niche. Use platforms like Quora to identify the topics that your target audiences are most interested in. Takeaway: We all know that link building is extremely important in SEO. But if you’re building links without building relationships with other bloggers, you’ll NOT succeed in the long run. The BEST way to build links naturally is to build relationships with other bloggers and marketers in your niche.  Takeaway: No matter what niche you’re in, you need to satisfy your website visitors or users. User experience (UX) is extremely important in SEO.  Also, it can make or break your search rankings because user experience tries to fulfill the user’s needs. It aims to provide a better experience that keeps a user staying longer on your site. Ultimately, when you’re creating a web page, ask yourself “does it satisfy my target customer needs?”. If not, tweak it and make it better.  Takeaway: Most people believe keyword research is the ultimate way to boost their website’s search rankings. While it’s somewhat true but it’s NOT ultimate.  You need to understand the searcher’s intent. Find out what your audience truly wants. Quickly browse through the top-ranking pages for your target topics to understand the intent of the users. That’s how you get ahead of others in SEO. Here are some of the frequently asked questions about SEO inspirational quotes and SEO expert quotes. Related Resources:

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Final Thoughts on Search Engine Optimization Quotes

SEO is one of the best ways to grow traffic and sales to a website organically. The best part? It’s totally free to get traffic using SEO techniques like keyword research, on-page optimization, etc. But SEO is an ongoing process. That’s why you need constant motivation. Here’s where SEO quotes can come in handy. You can bookmark the page or print out the search engine optimization quotes to stay motivated. So what are your thoughts on the top SEO quotes mentioned here? Did you find the SEO expert quotes inspiring? Have any questions? Let us know in the comments.