But hold on, the job is only half done. As Darren Rowse from ProBlogger writes, “What you do in the minutes and hours after your post goes live can exponentially increase the effectiveness of the post.” You need to create awareness about your new post and increase its exposure. As a result, in this article, I’d like to share 25+ places where you need to share your content. Let’s get started!

25+ Places to Share Your Content

1. Facebook

Let’s get the obvious one out of the way first. Despite dwindling organic reach for posts on Facebook, it’s still worth sharing your content on your personal Facebook page and your business page. Why? Because the social media giant has over 2 billion monthly active users, and the odds of your target audience being there is extremely high. Facebook’s EdgeRank algorithm determines what content from users and brands to push to the top of the news feed. If your content resonates with your audience and gets them to share, then Facebook will increase your content’s visibility. It’s as simple as that! As Gary Vaynerchuk writes in his book Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, “On Facebook, the definition of great content is not the content that makes the most sales, but the content that people most want to share with others.” Bonus: Need tips on how to better engage with your fans on Facebook? Check out these tips from Social Media Examiner to boost your Facebook engagement.

2. Twitter

Twitter has 145 million monetizable daily active users and it’s yet another obvious place where your content needs to be shared. In fact, Twitter is one of the few platforms where you can benefit greatly by sharing the same content multiple times. Lots of influencers and brands post the same content multiple times to reach followers in different time zones and to drive consistent traffic back to their site. As a rule of thumb, you should slightly reframe the messaging of your post each time you share it, so you’re not repeating the same message. You can use any of the popular social media scheduling tools to queue some of the evergreen posts from your blog on Twitter multiple times.

3. LinkedIn

While LinkedIn is a great place to share links to your latest posts, an untapped opportunity within the platform is the ability to publish articles. If you have a strong professional network on LinkedIn, then it would make perfect sense to republish or syndicate some of your blog posts and help your content get that extra mileage. According to Search Engine Journal, Google doesn’t flag your republished posts on LinkedIn as duplicate content. A good SEO practice, however, is to change the post title and make other minor tweaks before you republish your posts on LinkedIn.

4. Medium

Developed by Even Williams, who previously co-founded Twitter and Blogger, Medium is an online publishing platform where you can share your writing and also browse a variety of content from other writers and publications. It’s another place where you can syndicate your blog posts and increase exposure for your content. Long-form posts tend to be more popular than regular posts on Medium. So if you publish long-form blog posts on a consistent basis, then you could republish some of these posts on Medium and reach a larger audience.

5. Reddit

Reddit is one of the most popular communities on the Internet, with over 330 million active users. It goes without saying that there is an enormous potential to drive traffic to your site from the platform. That said, you need to be an active part of the communities (called subreddits) that you’re joining on Reddit before you can start sharing your content. In order to share links, you’ll need to accumulate karma. Most subreddits only allow you to post links once you’ve crossed a specific threshold in relation to your karma score. There’s no shortcut to gaining karma on Reddit. You’ll need to be an active part of the subreddit and post insightful comments that generate upvotes. Even when you’ve accumulated enough karma, you need to be careful while sharing links to your own content. I like to follow the 80:20 rule here, and you should do the same — post links to third party content 80% of the time, and the remaining 20% can be links to your blog posts. But make sure that any link you’re sharing contributes to the discussion you’re currently a part of. Pro Tip: Here’s a list of the best marketing subreddits you should join.

6. Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are communities of individuals who share a common interest. There are two types of Facebook groups that you need to be aware of — public groups and closed groups. Public groups are by far the most common on Facebook. Unfortunately, these groups also attract individuals who simply want to spam the newsfeed with their content since anyone can join these groups. Closed groups are Facebook groups where group admins have to manually accept new requests from users who’d like to join the group. Closed groups are ideal for marketers and bloggers who’d like to share their content. In both these groups, you need to careful while sharing your posts. Make sure the posts are shared in an organic manner and contribute to the discussion that you’re involved in. Shameless plugs will not be tolerated, especially in closed groups. Bonus: The Complete Guide to Using Facebook Groups for Business

7. Flipboard

Flipboard is a popular news aggregator app, available on iOS and Android. It’s also a great place to share your content, curate content, and build authority on a subject. Flipboard allows you to create different content categories, called magazines, and you can start populating these categories with relevant content. Just make sure you’re sharing others’ content in addition to your own content. This will build your authority on the platform — helping you gain more followers and traffic for your own posts in return.

8. Steemit

Steemit is a blockchain-based blogging and social media website, which rewards its users with the cryptocurrency STEEM for publishing and curating content. You can sign up on Steemit and start repurposing or syndicating some of your existing content to expand its reach.

9. BizSugar

BizSugar is a place where small business owners and entrepreneurs can share their collective experience and knowledge. If you publish insightful articles on entrepreneurship, marketing, and technology on a regular basis, then you should definitely share your content on BizSugar as you’ll be rewarded with traffic and engagement. Click here to create your free account on BizSugar

10. Growth Hackers

Growth Hackers is a community-based blog where you can find and distribute high-quality articles on growth hacking, marketing channels, user acquisition, engagement, product launch, and more. Since all content on Growth Hackers is created and/or posted by the users themselves, you too can create a free account and start creating and sharing posts. The community follows strict guidelines for vetting content and the content curation team reviews all posts before publishing them on the main page. Once your article is approved and published, users can start upvoting or downvoting it. If your post generates enough upvotes, it will be included in Growth Hackers’ Top Weekly Posts Newsletter which is sent out every Monday, helping your blog post get even more coverage. Pro Tip: Don’t just share your content, but also curate content from elsewhere. This will help establish your subject matter expertise in the community.

11. SlideShare

SlideShare, the world’s largest professional content sharing community, has 80 million active users and is one of the top 100 most-visited websites in the world. Founded in 2006, it was acquired by LinkedIn in 2012. You can use PowerPoint, Keynote, Canva, or my personal favorite, Slidebean, to create a beautiful presentation that perfectly captures all the key actionable items in your blog post. Since SlideShare also gets a decent amount of search traffic, your presentation has the potential to grab more eyeballs and possibly drive referral traffic to your site.

12. Infographic Submission Sites

High-quality infographics don’t just get social shares, but they’re also rewarded with backlinks. You can convert some of the popular posts on your blog into infographics, using free online graphics tools such as Venngage, Canva, and Piktochart. Once you’ve designed a visually appealing infographic that your readers would want to share, you can submit it to a few infographic submission sites and gain authoritative backlinks in return. Here are 40 infographic submission sites where you can submit your infographics for free or for a nominal fee. Infographic directories such as Visual.ly, Graphs.net, and Infographics Archive have impressive domain authority (DA) scores, and by submitting your infographics to these sites, you’ll be increasing the chances of ranking high in search results.

13. Mix.com

Previously called StumbledUpon, Mix.com is a place to discover, save, and share all your favorite things on the Internet. Mix learns what you’re passionate about and queues up articles based on your interests. Once you’ve created an account at Mix, you can download the free Chrome extension to curate content right from your web browser. As with other content curation apps, make sure you contribute to the platform by submitting a mix of content from your own blog and other blogs in your niche. Click here to join Mix.com

14. Zest

Zest is an AI-powered tool that personally matches you with community-curated marketing content. It’s a free tool that you can join by connecting your Facebook, Google, or LinkedIn account. Once you’ve created an account on Zest, you can download their Chrome extension to curate content from your browser. Any piece of content you share with the community will be reviewed by Zest’s content team before it’s published on their site. Zest prefers long-form content which covers a marketing concept in-depth, so make sure you submit posts that meet this criteria.

15. LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups are hubs for LinkedIn users in the same industry or with similar interests to share content, find answers, post and view jobs, make business contacts, and establish themselves as industry experts. Make sure you maintain proper etiquette while sharing links to your blog posts and be an active member of the community before sharing your own content.

16. Instagram

Instagram is the second most popular social network in the world in terms of active users, behind Facebook. With one billion monthly active users and 500 million people who use Instagram Stories every day, you’ll be missing out if you’re not sharing your content on Instagram. But there’s a small problem — unlike most other social networks, Instagram doesn’t allow you to post clickable links in the caption of your post. There are two things you can do to overcome this challenge:

Post a graphic of your latest blog post and include the full URL in the caption or include the link to your post in the Instagram bio with this message in the caption: “Click link in our bio👆 to read our latest post.” Use an Instagram marketing tool like Shorby that allows you to side-step Instagram’s ‘one link in bio’ limitation by creating a custom link profile with all the important links to your blog posts, videos, messengers, and social networks. To learn more about Shorby and its key features, check out my Shorby review and video walkthrough.

17. Email

Email may sound a bit old school, but it’s still an effective channel to promote your new content. According to Constant Contact, 72 percent of consumers prefer email as their source of business communication. You can share your new content via email alerts or in the form of a weekly newsletter, comprising of all the latest content you published that week.

18. YouTube

YouTube is not just a video-sharing platform, it’s also a search engine. With 3 billion searches per month, YouTube’s search volume is larger than that of Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo combined. Regardless of your niche, if you’re not having a channel on YouTube, you’re missing out on a key portion of your demographic. You can start a channel today and repurpose some of the best-performing articles on your blog and turn them into engaging videos.

19. Snapchat

With over 300 million daily active users, Snapchat is a great place to share what Gary Vaynerchuk calls “micro-content” — snippets of content created from each new piece of content that drives awareness back to the original long-form content. Gary Vee is the master of micro-content on Snapchat and Instagram, and if you’re looking for ideas on content creation on Snapchat, just follow him on Snapchat. To learn more about the best practices for sharing content on Snapchat, check out this resource by Hootsuite.

20. Pinterest

Since its launch in March 2010, Pinterest has slowly garnered a highly engaged audience. As of March 2019, Pinterest has 291 million monthly active users and the users can browse through more than 175 billion pins on the platform. The secret to driving traffic from Pinterest is creating descriptive images. Visuals with clear, concise messaging are more impactful on the platform than run-of-the-mill graphics. As such, you really need to get creative with the images to grab your audience’s attention and the text overlay on the images should contain just enough information to prompt users to visit your website or blog. Infographics are also highly popular on Pinterest. You can convert your latest blog post into an infographic and share it on Pinterest to drive a ton of traffic back to your website. For more tips on how to create and share content on Pinterest, check out this article by Social Media Examiner.

21. Tumblr

Tumblr may not be as big or as appealing as it once was, but it still rakes in close to 370 million visits a month. So it’s worth sharing your blog posts here. That said, just posting links to your latest articles on Tumblr will not fetch you much engagement. You need to repurpose your blog posts into infographics or videos and then share them on the platform. This way your content will resonate more with Tumblr users and you’ll be rewarded with engagement and traffic.

22. Google My Business Posts

If you have a Google My Business (GMB) account for your business, you can promote your latest article via GMB Posts. Just login to your GMB account and navigate to Posts > Add Update and write your post. Include an image and link to your latest article. Now when a user searches for your business on Google, they will not just see information about your business, but they’ll also be able to view your latest post, driving additional traffic to your site.

23. Instapaper

Instapaper is a bookmarking service that allows you to save articles, videos, and podcast episodes for later consumption across all your devices, including iPhone, Android, and iPad. Instapaper has over 2 million users and it’d be a good idea to share all your latest blog posts here.

24. Podcast

If you already have a podcast, you can repurpose your latest posts into new podcast episodes. But if you don’t have one, you should know it’s now easier than ever to start your own podcast. You can use a free app like Anchor (available on iOS, Android, and desktop web) to start your podcast within a few minutes. Anchor lets you record, host, and distribute your podcast on all the major podcast-playing platforms (Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, etc.) at no extra cost.

25. Pocket

Pocket is a Mozilla-owned app that lets you curate articles, videos, and stories from any publication, page, or app. Sharing your content on Pocket will help you reach an audience of over 20 million registered users.

26. Vimeo

Vimeo attracts more than 100 million unique visitors per month. If you publish videos on YouTube, you could replicate the same on Vimeo and reach out to a whole new audience.

27. Quora

You can republish some of your blog posts on Quora by creating your very own Quora blog. You can create one by visiting this page. In addition to this, you can also start answering relevant questions on Quora and include a link to your latest blog post that contains more information on the topic. For more Quora marketing tips, check out How to Use Quora Marketing to Supercharge Your Content Strategy.

Final Thoughts on Content Sharing Sites

When you’ve published a great post, don’t just wait for SEO to do the magic and bring visitors to your site. Share your post on these 25+ places above and increase its reach and visibility. Did I miss out on any of your favorite sites to share content? Let me know in the comments section below. If you liked this article, please share it on Twitter using the link below: Editor’s Note: This article was first published on November 11, 2019 and has been updated regularly since then for relevance and comprehensiveness. 

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