With The Data and Marketing Association (DMA) reporting that emails deliver an average ROI of $32, email simply has to be part of your campaigns, whether it’s for lead generation, customer success, or retention. In this post, we round up 35 valuable email marketing statistics from around the web. No email campaign is perfect, but constant progress can be achieved when you strategize with data.

35 Email Marketing Statistics (Updated for 2022)

General Email Marketing Stats

How does email perform as a marketing channel? 

Mobile Email Marketing Stats

Smartphones have made us more connected than ever. Here are a few statistics on how mobile has changed the way we engage with emails.

B2B Email Marketing Stats

As the preferred mode of communication in professional settings, email plays a vital role in many B2B marketing campaigns.

B2C Email Marketing Stats

With consumers also preferring to be notified about businesses they follow through email, you may want to direct more of your efforts to this channel.

Email Marketing Best Practices

Spoiler alert: In 2022, personalization plays a great part in effectively communicating as a business. 

In Summary

All in all, we can see that email should definitely be given a spot in any marketing campaign. There’s no better way to directly reach your customers and take control of your content.  Another takeaway is the importance of optimizing emails for small screens as a vast majority of consumers switch to checking them on mobile devices. Optimizing for mobile includes keeping your messages direct and snappy, making CTAs conspicuous, and designing for readability. Last, but definitely the step you want to do best – remembering that your customers are people with emotions. Email your customers like you would a friend, don’t be scared to drop emojis here and there, and segment your campaigns. Personalization goes a long way in 2022. When you’re stuck or unsure, A/B test and see what works well. If you found this article useful, please share it on Twitter using the link below:

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