But here’s the thing: Fiverr is also the place where you’ll find a ton of people spamming the platform with useless and harmful services. If you’re thinking about buing SEO gigs from Fiverr, you must stay away from a few of them as they can only harm your website in the long run. Otherwise, your site might end up getting penalized by Google algorithms due to bad SEO. So let’s talk about a few SEO gigs that you should avoid on Fiverr at all costs in 2023.

4 Fiverr SEO Gigs to Avoid in 2023

We all know that fact that Google still gives top priority to the backlinks. If your website is full of quality backlinks, you will get top search results for almost any keyword that you want to rank for. This is the reason why SEO professionals focus more on building backlinks in a natural way. What users on Fiverr do is, they promise you to build automated links to increase your website rankings in the search results. Don’t fall for this trap as they use black hat SEO techniques or automated tools to build these links. So even if you get thousands of links just for $5, you will be penalized as Google holds a database of spam links. You should not engage in anything automated when it comes to your site or blog, no matter the promise. Google frowns heavily on automated content and automated links and will penalize you accordingly including but not limited to lower rankings, no rankings or a complete de-indexing of your site. Search engines want (and reward) fresh content, natural links and transparency. So in all that you do when it concerns your blog, do it naturally and make it relevant. Recommended SEO Products for Improving Organic Search Traffic – Semrush | Serpstat | Long Tail Pro

These are the worst and am not sure how anyone takes these types of listings seriously. This is actually one of the worst things you can do to a site or blog, build links fast in large quantities. This is not natural for any site, especially new sites and you won’t get far with Google if you practice this sort of SEO. Instead build links slowly and take the time and effort that is required, and Google will reward you with good rankings. Never EVER buy from the people on Fiverr who are offering you 1,000 backlink services to boost your search rankings. You will never see any increase in your search traffic even after getting 1,000 backlinks, besides your site gets penalized by Google Penguin updates. Google penguin update is majorly focused on penalizing the sites that have bad backlinks. So make sure you are writing high-quality contents to build backlinks instead of depending on cheap Fiverr SEO gigs to build links.

3. Guaranteed Google First Page Rankings

This is another cheap low-cost SEO gig you see a lot of on Fiverr. I can assure you there isn’t a member on Fiverr that can guarantee you first page rankings on Google, Yahoo, Bing or any other search engine on the planet. If you think someone on Fiverr is going to spend the required time and energy it takes to achieve a first-page ranking on a good keyword term for only five bucks – keep dreaming. You can never get Google first page rankings without excessive hard work, lots of quality backlinks, great website speed etc. If it happens so easily, then everyone would be building profitable websites. This simply is not possible and not true, stay away from these providers. Your website search rankings improve only when you take care of using proper keywords on your blog articles, building backlinks relevant to your keywords, your domain age etc. Use evergreen link building strategies like guest posting, interviews, infographics etc. to build quality backlinks around your sites without getting penalized by Google updates. Recommended: Best Fiverr alternatives for Freelancers in 2023

Footer links were popular some years back but since then have been devalued quite a bit. I would not spend my money on a footer link on some dubious blog for five bucks, instead what I would do is write a guest blog post and submit it to a good, relevant and established blog. Footer links are a waste of your time and money. There are many people (call them spammers) who are actively searching for websites to get footer links. They will come to you with a paid offer, basically what they do is, they pay you a little money and ask you to link to their websites from your footer. Please don’t consider these requests to earn peanuts, Google will penalize your sites if you do so. Here’s a screenshot of how they request you for links from your websites (few people also do website link exchanges without considering the niche of your blog, don’t accept such requests). The same thing happens on Fiverr SEO tasks too, as most people tell you they will give you backlinks from their footer sections to increase your rankings. But it won’t work if you are from another niche, also don’t spend your money getting irrelevant or spammy links. When it comes to search engine optimization it’s best to err on the side of quality – each and every time. There are tried and true practices which have been proven to deliver good results, why not give these a try instead. Disclaimer: As a long time user, I love Fiverr and the services it offers. We all look for better, fast and cheaper services to get things done online. So there’s another website that offers as good services as Fiverr. But don’t waste your money on SEO services which are mentioned about. Try to either invest on highly qualified SEO professional services to boost your rankings or do it by yourself. Read: Fiverr Reviews 2023: Is Fiverr Legit & Safe?

Where to Invest Your Money On SEO?

If you’re not going to invest in SEO tasks on sites such as Fiverr, where else should you invest your money on SEO? That’s a great question and the answer is: invest in the RIGHT SEO tools. If you’ve access to the premium SEO tools like Semrush, you can easily manage all your site’s SEO activities including site audits, finding great keywords, backlink analysis and so on. If you’re wondering about what kind of useful features you get with a tool like Semrush, here’s a list of few benefits.

Keyword research (it helps you find a ton of useful keywords that increase your traffic and sales) Site audits (so you can easily find and fix all technical and SEO related issues of your website) Keyword rank tracking (which helps you easily track and monitor your keyword rankings) Backlink analysis (to find out the backlink sources of your competitors easily) Content creation ideas Competitive analysis (which reveals all the information about your competitor websites including their traffic, keywords, links and much more) PLA (Product Listing Ads) (which reveals your competitor’s ads information and keywords they use to get paid visitors to their sites) Advertising analysis tools (to find the best performing ads) Domain comparison (to compare with up to 5 other sites to see how your site is performing when compared to them) And the list goes on

So what are you still waiting for? Grab your 30 day free Semrush Pro account (worth $119.95) Here’s a list of a few important questions around Fiverr SEO gigs so you can better understand what to prefer and what to avoid in 2023 and beyond. Browse more SEO Tutorials: → Gigs from top rated sellers→ Professional blogger outreach services→ SEO gigs that offer white hat linking services→ Site audits→ Fixing broken links and so on These top rated sellers often give you quality work (also charge a little more) to maintain their reputation and seller ratings.

Ultimate SEO Tutorial For Beginners In 2023 Best On-page SEO Techniques to Get Top Rankings on Google in 2023 Off Page SEO Techniques to Get Top Rankings on Google in 2023 Top White Hat SEO Techniques to Boost Search Rankings in 2023 Top Gray Hat SEO Techniques to Uplift Your Website Rankings Black Hat SEO techniques to Avoid at All Cost in 2023

Final Thoughts About Fiverr SEO Gigs to Avoid [2023 Edition]

As we said above, Fiverr is an excellent platform to find cheap services. But don’t get deceived by false users claiming you getting #1 rankings on Google within a day or two as such kind of things won’t work EVER. It’s better to avoid low quality and fake SEO gigs and SEO services to stay safe from Google penalties in the long run. So what are your thoughts on SEO gigs to avoid in 2023? Let us know in the comments.