There are multiple online data entry jobs that pay you daily, and you do not have to pay anything as security or a registration. Since the advent of the internet, it has opened many doors for online jobs in India. Nowadays, numerous companies offer typing jobs with daily, weekly, and monthly payment options.

9 Best Online Data Entry Jobs from Home without Investment

These are the typing jobs that comprise converting data into words by typing through a keyboard taken from audio, video, image, etc. The data is to be converted in digital form in MS Word, MS Excel, PDF, etc., as per the client’s requirement.  In traditional times, this work was done through a mechanical typewriter, but now keyboards are used for doing data entry jobs. You can earn a decent amount of money sitting at home and without making any investment in this job.  The payment option varies from client to client, but the payment is usually made on the number of pages in the project. This job is apt for individuals with less qualification and people who cannot go out to work and seek home-based jobs such as housewives, students, females with small kids, retired people, etc.

What are the job requirements?

The job requirements for online data entry jobs from home without investment are very few. Some of the things that you would need are-

A desktop or laptop Good speed internet connection A Gmail account Bank account in India Typing software such as MS Word or MS Excel Basic typing skills Daily 2-3 hours of time

How much can you earn from online data entry jobs?

Well, there is no such limit to earn from these jobs as you can earn as per your working speed. The more you work, the more you can get paid. Also, it depends on the project you choose, as verbal typing projects are high-paying by its nature.  Here is the list of average earning from these jobs-

Types of Online Data Entry Jobs from home

These jobs are best for people who are not much qualified and want to work from home. All you need is good typing speed and a good command of the English language for these jobs. There are various types of data entry jobs; let us have a look at them and gain some insight.

  1. Data Entry Keyers Their key role is to extract pertinent information accurately from all types of documents and then type data into databases such as company templates, CRM, or an excel spreadsheet. Once this is done, then this data is sent to the customers. These jobs are usually offline rather than online.  Data Keyers are also a part of the quality control department as they check for errors in the data and fix them. The typing speed required for them is 50 words per minute, with a 0% error ratio. Usually, they can earn around $10 to $15, and the amount increases as per the experience. 
  2. Data Entry Clerks Their role is pretty similar to data keyers, but the significant difference is that the data entry clerks have to stand for a long time because of their job role.  Let us understand the role of data entry clerks by example. You must have visited a hospital, and there they have to keep a patient record, accidental reports, visitors list, and much more. All this is saved in an excel sheet or software by data entry clerks.  You can also get a government job in a municipal office where they need data entry clerks to maintain records for maintaining town records, birth records, death certificates, etc. 
  3. Converting Image to Text In this job profile, you are given an image that contains a few paragraphs; you would have to read from the image and write it down on a Word document. The paragraph might be of 100 to 150 words but remember they are not just simple English words but include various medical terminologies. In this profile, you need 99.99% accuracy, which means you have to be vigilant while typing as there is no scope of mistake in it. For one conversion from image to text, you get around $3 to $4; hence you can earn a fair amount of money even if you convert 20 images in a day. 
  4. Converting audio to text Here, you would be given audio; you need to listen to it and convert it into a text format. It is not an easy job as you would require excellent listening skills as the voice is not clear and they use technical jargon as well; hence it is vital to have good listening skills so that you convert the data correctly.  Furthermore, you should have a good command of the English language to understand the words and write them correctly. A good typing speed is also required as you listen to the audio and write the text; therefore, you need to match your typing speed with the audio.  Therefore, this job is recommended for experienced people as it requires good typing speed and great English and listening skills, along with a lot of accuracies. In this profile, you would be able to earn $5 for one file easily.
  5. Medical Transcriptionist This is one of the most common transcription jobs. Here you have to listen to the recorded audio files and convert them word by word in a word document. These audio files can be voice mail messages, medical files, conference calls, etc.  This job profile has a massive demand in the USA; various private and public sector companies search for an experienced medical transcriptionist. One of the major challenges in this profile is that sometimes the voice is not clear, and you would also have to understand the thick accent that the doctor uses in the recording.  Hence, along with the surpassing listening skills, you should know the medical jargon as well. To become a medical transcriptionist, you would need proper training, but you can earn a fair amount of money in this job as many companies are willing to pay $20 to $25 for one hour. Also Read: 20 Best Freelance Websites to Work From Home
  6. Medical Coding This online data entry job from home without investment is slightly different from a medical transcriptionist. It is the highly paid jobs among all other forms of data entry jobs. A medical coder’s job is to read the patients’ health report, analyze his medical history, and then transcribe medical history based on the charts and reports. They translate these codes in a shorthand writing style, which is then used by the doctors to know about the patient’s medical history. This job is specifically for people who have a degree or certificate in medical coding. Proper training is given before allotting the work certificate. 
  7. Captcha Entry jobs This can be a fabulous option for people searching for online data entry jobs from home. First, let us understand what captchas are? They are images that comprise text, numbers, and alphanumeric characters that are used to fill in a specific field to prevent spam.  Your role would be to fill captcha image numbers, alphanumeric data, and image texts to a given spreadsheet or a document in this job. Furthermore, you would also have to solve hundreds of captcha images every day.  The good thing about this job is that it is fascinating and not boring like the other jobs mentioned. You can earn a fair amount of money in captcha solving, but for that, you would have to solve thousands of captcha in a day. 
  8. Captioning This job is comparatively more advanced than a captcha-solving job; you would have to create heading and captions for an image in this profile. This job is more prevalent in the media industry, such as news channels. You need a lot of creativity for these jobs; it is similar to creating memes on social media.   These jobs were not easy to find earlier, but with the immense usage of social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, etc., captioning jobs are readily available.  The major drawback of this job is that it is not paid that well and if you want to be a serious data entry worker and want to earn more money; then this job might not be a good option. 
  9. Copy & Paste Job By the name of this job, you must be wondering what would be your role in it? Well, as the name suggests, you have to copy and paste the data, but along with that, you might have to convert a PDF into Word Document, Excel to Word, or vice versa.  The content can be anything such as numbers, letters, text, etc. For one file, you might have to copy-paste more than 10,000 words. You might get any data copy like address, name, phone number, etc., from database suites such as Oracle MS Access, etc.  Every company has different requirements for this job post as some might ask you first to sort the data and then do the copy-paste. Usually, the companies who upgrade or change their software need people who can do this job for them.
  10. Data Formatting Jobs These jobs are also said to be data entry jobs, but you type less and format more in this profile. You would have to format content in a Word document that would include arranging text in a paragraph form, fonts, indentation, creating a bullet list, etc.  Another example of data formatting is formatting a form that contains various fields like name, number, address, email, etc. You might have to sort them or remove the gaps and align them properly. This profile pays reasonably well as you can earn $10-$12 per hour for formatting. Also Read: Work from home without Investment
  11. Online form filling This job profile requires a lot of accuracy; hence it is more of quality typing rather than quantity. In fact, the pay for these jobs is more than regular typing jobs.  This job is a little challenging as you would be a given data, and from that, you would have to fill the value on a database into every field in the form. This data would be a file that would comprise of customers name, phone number, address, email address, etc.   You need to be vigilant while filling in the information as even one mistake can lead to false information. You can earn well in this job as they pay around $50 to $70 a day for this job role.
  12. Online Surveys This is an exciting job as in this you would have to answer some questionnaires which are very simple and fill up the survey forms. Do not think that you just have to enter any value in the fields; you would have to use your brain to answer these questions. You can easily fill up the survey forms within 10 to 15 minutes, but it also depends on the length of the survey as sometimes they are a bit lengthy. Usually, a survey contains 10 to 50 questions, but it might vary from company to company.  There are a lot of companies who provide this opportunity as they need these questionnaires to get the customer’s feedback on their product or services. Various people have made their full-time job filling online surveys as they earn more than $50000 from this job annually.  
  13. Catalog Data Entry Operator This is one of the best online data entry jobs from home without investment as you just have to read the data from the database and fill it in online or offline software. The work varies from company to company as an operator’s job might be to fill the different fields of a table such as a name, number, price, code no., etc.  If you wish to be an operator, then it is a mandate to know how to sort and pull out specific data from the database? Logistics and warehouse companies usually need catalog data entry workers. In this profile, you can easily earn around $30000 to $40000 annually.
  14. Payroll Data entry operator This is one of the most common data entry jobs; in this, you would have to fill numerous fields such as employee name, age, DOB, date of joining, allowances, salary, etc. For this job role, the company you would join will train you on their software so that you can fill in the details appropriately.
  15. Web Content Writing You can also write content for various bloggers and websites if you are gifted with good writing skills. You would have to write various articles of different lengths as per the requirement of the clients. These articles are usually not too tough as they are generic, and you can write on them after doing some research. For becoming a content writer, you would need command over the English language so that you can frame good sentences and do not make any grammatical errors. For 1000 words, usually, a web content writer can earn up to $40. Also Read: Best Online Jobs for Housewives & Work at Home Moms
  16. Proofreading and Editing This job is relatively easy than a content writer as here you need not write the content. All you need to do is proofread the written content and make the necessary changes, such as correcting grammatical errors, removing typos, etc.  This job also requires a good knowledge of English as then only you would be able to find out the errors. But, this job pays comparatively less than the content writer because the efforts are also relatively less.
  17. Ad Posting In this job profile, the companies would give you various ads and websites; you would have to post them. You might also have to post these ads on multiple blogs, forums, and classified sites. For every ad that you post, you would be paid a few cents, which means you would have to post lots of ads to earn money. This job pays comparatively less than the other online data entry jobs from home without investment.
  18. Creating Customized Reports This is also a part of data entry jobs; here, you have to prepare reports on the clients’ distinct projects. The client would render you instructions on how to prepare the report, such as creating charts, graphs, excel sheets, etc. You can get up to $15 for an hour in this data entry job.
  19. Email Processing- This is one of the highest-paid online data entry jobs from home. In this, your role would be to process hundreds of emails every day and find their content and then make a list of them in an excel sheet. You might also require categorizing them; this job is a little time-consuming but is not challenging.  Another type of work in email processing is that you would be given website links in your email, open these links, and stay on them for 30 to 40 seconds, and get paid.  
  20. Updating Database If you opt for this job profile, then here your responsibility would be to update the existing database and make new ones online. This database can contain any sort of data, but it usually comprises name, number, address, email id, etc., for different industries.
  21. Word processor or typist This job is slightly different from others as in this you would have to create mailing labels, letters, reports, and much more, which is a little bit of technical work. Hence, you should be aware of how to make tables, charts, and graphs as they must be required while working. In fact, your grammar and vocabulary should also be great as they would be needed while drafting emails and letters. Mostly, the company itself provides training before you start working with them.
  22. Cleaning of data This job profile is also referred to as a data scrubbing or data cleansing job. Here you would have to search and remove incorrect data from the table or database. This file can be in the form of a Word file or Excel sheet. 
  23. Re-formatting and correction Usually, in the formatting job, the job role is to format a word document in which you have to align paragraphs, fonts, indentations, etc. Here, you would also have to format a lengthy form that comprises numerous fields like name, address, email id, etc. In this, typing is less, but the important thing is that you should be aware of every rule of formatting. Also Read: 6 Tips To Work At Home
  24. Online Data Capturing Job This job needs a lot of research and is very different from other typing jobs. In this, you would have to capture data from different internet publications like e-book or e-magazines. Your English should be extravagant for this job profile, but you get good payment for this profile.
  25. Entering data into the web-based system In this online data entry job from home, you would have to enter data into a web-based system from different kinds of product catalogs. You will have to read the documents related to the legal department or insurance claims and write them on a word document or excel sheet.  This was about some of the best online data entry jobs from home without investment, but what if the website you work for is fraudulent or illegal. This would lead all your hard work in vain as you might not get paid or the company is a fraud. To save you from such trouble, below are some of the best and reliable websites with whom you can work without any issues.

9 Best Data Entry Job Websites

1. Rev

This is one of the most renowned websites for online data entry jobs. On this website, you will find a lot of transcription and captioning types of jobs. Initially, you would have to complete the qualifiers task where you transcribe various audios, and they pay as per audio minutes. For one minute, you will get around $0.35-$0.70. As you finish the transcription of 60 minutes, they promote you to the next level. They pay weekly through PayPal, and you can work anytime with them at your convenience.

2. TranscribeMe

This website provides transcription jobs mostly, and the best part about this website is that they do not ask for any prior work experience in data entry. There are just two prerequisites to work with them: the chrome browser and another is a Paypal account. They take a transcription test before hiring candidates.

3. Scribie

You would be glad to know that this website pays well to its members, and it also accepts international members. They hire freelancer typists to work at home. Their files are usually for less than six minutes, and they distribute work on a first-come basis. Like the above websites, you would have to clear their transcription test, and once you become their member for every audio, they pay $2 to $25 for an hour.

4. Clickworker

You might get surprised to know that NASA launched it as an experimental project; they hired workers to participate in scientific work. But today, the website has changed completely, and they hire workers to do small tasks for them. These tasks can be filling online surveys, doing web research, proofreading, etc.  The nice part of this website is that they seek people who can do all kinds of work for them and have plenty of jobs for you. If you have time and want to pursue data entry jobs as your career, you can create your profile on their website and take a short assessment.  The type and quality of the job would solely depend on the score you will get in the assessment. They pay you on a per-task basis, and their payment is weekly.

5. Upwork

This is one of the leading websites for online data entry jobs from home. The best part is that here you will get active jobs from employers from their job section. If you wish to get more and more jobs, it is advisable to create an excellent profile so that people can contact you easily and you can get a fair amount of money for your tasks. Also Read: 30 Best Home Based Business Ideas for Housewives & Moms In fact, if you want, you can also contact your prospect directly to find a job from them. Here you would get millions of freelancers and job providers who give data entry jobs and other micro-jobs. This is a reliable website where you can earn a good amount of money based on the tasks you get.

6. Fiverr

It is a renowned freelance marketplace wherein you can easily advertise your skills and get jobs. You can list the things you are skilled or experienced at, such as writing, translating, data entry, transcribing, etc. There are a plethora of people who are making good money with the help of this website. You can create your profile on Fiverr and list as many skills you want. You can earn a minimum of $5 for each task you are assigned. Fiverr is a great place to get good jobs and earn a decent amount of money.

7. PeoplePerHour

It is a trusted data entry website and a community of freelancers who are ready to do any work for a willing requester. The clients hire freelancers, usually either on an hourly basis or project-wise.  The requesters are also happy with their services as they just notify about the type of work and person they want, and then they notify all the relevant freelancers to apply for it. This is a trusted website where you can turn this online data entry job into a trusted return career.

8. SmartCrowd

This company deals with community management and has more than 100000 cloud workers working for them from all over the world on a regular basis. It is a reliable website and is very user-friendly.  You can easily create an account with them free of cost, but you need to give a test before getting accepted by the website. They will ask you certain questions such as about your education, demographics, experience, language skills, etc., and based on that, they give you a test. If you pass the test, you would be able to see many job opportunities for yourself in data entry jobs and many more. But the amount of work you will get would depend on the score you get on the test; hence, you need to score well on their test.

9. OneSpace

This Company is primarily a Software platform that offers workflow automation solutions for businesses. But, they also a different portal for freelancers where they hire people for various data entry jobs. They have a lot of data entry jobs that you can do if you are well educated. Also Read: 20 Successful Home Based Business Ideas in India There is no fixed time frame for doing the work; you can work at your convenience and pick any work as per your skills and interest. The best part is here you will get to work with big brands such as eBay, Walmart, Staples, etc.

How to identify fraud data entry jobs?

Various people think that online data entry jobs from home without investments are easy and do not require much effort. But, they are absolutely wrong; just like other jobs, it also needs effort and time; hence it is essential that you do not work for any illegal website, fraud, or scam.  The first thing you need to keep in mind is that you do not always trust the ads and classifieds in the newspaper as they can also be a fraud.  Secondly, never pay any refundable or non-refundable deposit for registration as usually, such kinds of companies are fake. If you find any such site that asks for money, never pay. A few signs of fraud data entry websites are:

Ugly URL Personal bank account number instead of the current account (company account) Low quality designed sites Fake Payment Proof No contact numbers Poor images and company logo Bigger pricing plans No postal address

Pros and Cons of Online Typing Work from Home

Online data entry jobs have their own benefits and disadvantages; let us have a look at both so that you can get a fair idea if you want to choose them as your career or not-


Simple work- One of the major advantages is that the work is relatively simple and you do not need any educational background for doing these jobs Without Investment- This is one of the primary reasons why many people opt for these jobs because they do not require any investment or registration fee. You can start these online data entry jobs from home without investment Free to Join and start- These jobs have no registration fee, you just need to create your profile, and if you pass the test, you can start working with them No special skills are needed- In most of these jobs, there are no special skills required. All they might ask for is good typing speed and command of the English language Flexibility- As you work from home, you have the flexibility to work at your convenience without any time restriction, plus you can do work from wherever you feel comfortable from Type more, earn more- There are no targets that you need to achieve. The more work you do, the more you can earn. There is no limit to work; if there is a lot of work on the website and you are eligible for it, you can work as much as you want Weekly and daily payments- If you opt for a reliable and genuine website, then there is a surety of payments, and most of the websites pay you on a daily and weekly basis.


Along with the advantages comes some drawbacks as well; here are some of them- Time-Limited Projects- In case if you get a time-limited project, that can be a big issue for you if you are a student or already occupied in some other chores. Therefore, it is essential for you to choose the projects accordingly. No Job Satisfaction- The major limitation of online data entry jobs is that there is no job satisfaction as you work for different employees and do distinct work, thus you would not be able to review your performance, which lessens the job satisfaction No regular salary- As the work is not regular; hence the salary is also not regular. This is a significant disadvantage because of which people lose interest in such kinds of jobs. Use your own equipment- People who do not have a desktop or laptop feel that this is a major drawback that they have to use their own equipment. As they have to purchase the equipment mainly to start doing online jobs. Recommended: How To Start Online Reselling Business In India? Just like other jobs, it is imperative for you to be in the right place. Hence, before opting for any online data entry jobs from home without investment, ensure that you choose the genuine website, plus the work that you pick should be of your choice and interest so that in the future, you could pursue it as a career if you perform well in it.

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