You want to mount your TV close to eye level, but you might have other options depending on the room’s shape as well as the size of the TV. Larger screen TVs do best mounted higher up, especially if you’re sitting further away. Explained in another way, the shape of the room and the size of the TV screen will definitely play a role in how high the device is mounted. There’s no question that eye-level is usually the best, there are other options that depend on the aforementioned factors. It’s worth looking into; read on more to find out what you should do!

Why Mounting at Eye Level is the Best Option

Mounting your TV at eye level will ensure a more comfortable viewing experience. For instance, when mounted properly, you won’t have to hold your neck at an odd angle. Neck strain is a common complaint among consumers that have their televisions mounted too high or placed too low and when you’re dealing with neck pain, it’s awfully hard to enjoy or even concentrate on your show. You also want to take a look at your office setup. The position of your computer can cause or prevent eye strain and fatigue, along with back and neck pain. in fact, it’s one of the reasons why we recommend projectors (our guide). You want to mount your computer at eye level, even if it means raising it with a few books placed underneath.

How High is Too High to Mount a TV

Optimally, you want to place your TV around 42 inches off the floor but this is based on a specific setup. The recommendation is based on the average height of a couch and the person watching TV. It’s worth mentioning that not all couches are 18 inches high, moreover, people also aren’t the same height, so you want to approach the recommendation with a grain of salt. Furthermore, not all rooms are designed the same, and this will affect where the TV is mounted. Fireplaces and other furniture can get in the way. It doesn’t mean that you need to move your floor to ceiling bookcase, instead, you need to look at the room differently. Look at where you normally sit and watch TV.

Sometimes You Can’t Mount a TV Too High

You’ll find height recommendations for TV placement from most manufacturers, however, everyone watches television differently. Some people rarely turn their television on, mainly using it to catch up on the news and the latest sports scores. In this case, it doesn’t matter how high the TV is mounted since you don’t use it enough to experience neck pain. Other people love to relax and recline their favorite chair all the way back. You may also prefer to watch TV lying on the floor or on your couch. In either of these instances, you can mount the TV as high as you want. Sometimes, it’s better to mount the TV higher than at eye level, as long as your body isn’t complaining about neck strain when you’re binging your favorite TV show, its placement is probably perfect for you.

How to Decide on Your TV Mounting Height

Eye-level is the best height to mount your TV unless you normally watch it laying down. Depending on the room’s design and setup, you might have to deal with an obstacle. Unless the obstacle cover’s the entire wall, mount the TV a little higher. When you don’t have space on the wall due to a full-size fireplace, look for a different place. It might be necessary to move furniture around, but it’ll be worth it when you’re comfortably watching TV, on the other hand, sometimes having the TV at a higher height doesn’t matter. One such example is Bar TVs which are usually mounted high on the wall because patrons are rarely glued to the TV, and thus the high mounting doesn’t result in strained necks. You can do the same at home if you rarely watch TV, or you can tilt it down if the TV is above the viewer’s eye-line (our guide).

How to Determine the Mounting Height for a Flat Screen TV

Unless you’re planning on building a sturdy shelf to support a large-box TV, there’s a good chance that you’re mounting a flat-screen model, rather than one of the older models that used CRT technology. The lighter-weight TVs are designed for mounting, either on a stand or wall mount. Regardless, before you get ready to place the TV, you’ll want to consider a few factors.

TV Size

The size of your TV screen matters. Standard models range from 32” up to 55,” a measurement you’ll find listed on the product box. However, you can also find larger, high-priced flat-screen TVs that exceed the standard measurements. Since you’re trying to mount the TV at eye level, you want to pay attention to the center of the screen. This is the area you want to center with your eyes.

Viewing Distance

There is an ideal viewing distance for TVs. It refers to how far away you should be from the screen. To find your perfect viewing distance divide the television screen size by 0.55. If you own a 42” flat-screen TV, your optimal viewing distance is 76 inches. For a 55” model, the viewing distance is 100”. The larger the TV, the further you want to be away from the screen.

Viewing Angle and Eye Level from the Floor

You measure your eye level when you’re sitting not standing. Use a tape measure to find the distance from your eyes to the floor and once you have the calculations for your eye level, you’ll know how high to mount the TV. When it comes to viewing angles, most people sit at a 30-degree angle. Reclining drops the angle to 10 or 15-degrees. Think about how you sit or lay when you’re watching TV before you begin attaching a mount. You may find yourself in somewhat of a rush to get everything mounted and ready to go, but it’s wise to take a bit of time and think about it first. TV manufacturers recommend mounting a 42” TV 56 inches off the floor, and a 70” model around 67 inches.

Tips for TV Mounting Height

If you want to mount your TV high or don’t have another option, some tools will make the job easier. A dedicated TV mount securely holds the TV against the wall. You can have ones that hold the TV flat against the wall or tilt it at an angle. Some mounts will even allow you to raise and lower the screen. Here are two wall mounts to look at if you have to have your TV higher on the wall.

Full Motion TV Wall Mount

You can watch your flat-screen TV at almost any viewing angle and the sturdy bracket will support up to 130lbs which means you don’t have to worry about your TV falling off the wall. The TV mount is also a breeze to install. It comes with all of the hardware and takes less than 30 minutes to install. It doesn’t matter what brand of TV you have or its size and type. The wall mount is compatible will all major brands, and fits LED, OLED, and LCD flat screens. Any TV between 32″ and 80” will fit between the adjustable brackets.

MantelMount MM340 TV Mount

The mount is easy to install and comes at an affordable price. The steel brackets can support TVs up to 90lbs and it’s compatible with all makes and types of flat-screen TVs from 44” up to 80”. You can tilt the TV 30-degrees or swivel it left-to-right, additionally, it can also pull out 19” off the wall. Not only can you cover almost any viewing angle, but the TV mount extends vertically as well. It comes with two pull-down handles which come in handy when you want to manually lower the TV over an object. The handles are gas-piston powered so they’re easy to extend and retract. When you’re done watching TV, retract the handles to raise the TV out of the way.

Mount Your TV at the Best Height

You can always use a simple stand to hold your TV upright which is a method that works for anyone with a flat surface at eye level. In other words, you don’t need to worry about mounting your TV in this case, but unfortunately, most television owners aren’t that lucky because they need to mount the TV on the wall. Before you attach the mount, think about viewing distance and angles because you don’t want to have constant neck pain every time you watch TV. TV mounts are convenient devices that hold your TV at higher heights. Most tilt and swivel, so you can see the screen from almost any vantage point. If you have to mount your TV above eye level, consider a TV mount with vertical descent. You can bring the television down when you’re using it, and raise it back when you’re finished.

Best Height To Mount A TV   What You Need To Know  - 27Best Height To Mount A TV   What You Need To Know  - 11