We have reported about the many changes taking place in financial services around the world on our blog. Robo-advisors for instance are going to be soon managing billions without any human intervention. Peer to peer lending will overtake the personal loans market some time in the next decade and banks will transform into financial supermarkets that interact through bots. You can go through our list of amazing Fintech facts collated from different reports that provide a glimpse of changes taking place in the financial world.

List Of Fintech Conferences

Fintech conference organizers charge a hefty fee which is usually nonrefundable. Booking an early bird ticket can help you gain huge discounts, sometimes these discounts can be as high as 90% on ticket prices. To benefit from these offers you must plan in advance and block your seats before the offer rescinds. Given below are five global events that you should consider attending over the next year.

Pay Expo Europe – www.payexpo.com

Taking place between 4-5 October 2017, Pay Expo Europe is London’s biggest payment exhibition. Retailers, merchants, startups and government officials are eligible for free passes if you register early. The conference covers five broad themes

Regulation and Data Security The Fintech Ecosystem Future Of Banking E-commerce Digital Money

Singapore FinTech Festival – www.fintechfestival.sg

First held in 2016, the festival has quickly become a must-attend event in South Asia. This year the event is being organized on the 13-17 November 2017 by the Monetary Authority Of Singapore. The conference also includes an Awards Night and a Hackathon. With generous prizes in the offing, you might want to apply for the awards. Selected finalists get a free exhibition stall at the event.

Money Conf Dublin – moneyconf.com

Organized by the founders of the Web Summit. Money Conf is one of the world’s fastest-growing tech events. Many analysts believe that Brexit is expected to wreak havoc on London’s fintech ecosystem as access to the single European Digital market becomes complicated. This is because of regulations like the EU GDPR which increases the cost of compliance for fintech startups based outside Europe. The event is being held in Dublin, Ireland which is fast emerging as the preferred alternative to the United Kingdom. Join  5000 participants in the biggest fin-tech event taking place north of London.

Fintech Connect Live – www.fintechconnectlive.com

The largest meeting in the United Kingdom for the Fintech Community more than 3000 people are expected to attend the event on 6th December 2017. The conference pass starts from £ 39 for individuals and is £ 299 for companies. Register now to lock in the low rates which are expected to increase next month. The event is expected to attract more than 3000 professionals from 50 countries. More than 250 speakers are going to deliver talks and conduct workshops at Fintech Connect Live.

FinTech Stage At Cannes – www.fintechstage.com

Being held on the French Riviera, the event is being organized in partnership with Comexposium on 28th November 2017. The conference covers mobile payments and digital wallets. Speakers are expected to attend from different parts of the globe. Passes start from € 700 and go up to € 900 depending on the amenities required. The talks at the conference will be focused on BlockChain, Applications of FinTech, Security, Payment Trends, Regulation, New Banks and Bio-metrics for new markets.

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