Enable Dark mode on Facebook in Desktop in Browser


How to Enable Dark Mode on Facebook in Android?


How to enable Dark Mode on Facebook on iPhone?

Can I use Dark Mode on Browser on Facebook On Android?

Apparently, Meta has added the dark mode feature to the browser on the desktop. You can easily, turn it on or off, it is no big deal. But I have seen many people in Afghanistan, who are using Facebook on their browser. Why, because they were running out of storage, they had to disable the Facebook app to free storage. Then started using Facebook on the browser on Android. I logged into Facebook using Google Chrome on my Android Phone, and unfortunately, I couldn’t find the dark mode option. Even though the dark mode of the browser is turned on, but still there was no luck. However there are some alternative methods that you can use, but they may affect the color correction.


It is not hard to enable dark mode facebook on any device that you are using. Just visit the settings and privacy and enable it. But the trick about enabling dark mode on the Android browser is another thing, so just follow the above guide.

How to Enable Dark Mode on Facebook  - 18How to Enable Dark Mode on Facebook  - 97How to Enable Dark Mode on Facebook  - 5How to Enable Dark Mode on Facebook  - 4How to Enable Dark Mode on Facebook  - 81How to Enable Dark Mode on Facebook  - 21How to Enable Dark Mode on Facebook  - 85How to Enable Dark Mode on Facebook  - 74How to Enable Dark Mode on Facebook  - 81How to Enable Dark Mode on Facebook  - 7