Have you upgraded to Windows 11 but are still seeing the “File Explorer Errors”? Here are some of the most effective methods to fix this.

1 Fix File Explorer Keeps Crashing in Windows 11 1.1 Restart Windows Explorer: File Explorer is Missing 1.2 Uninstall Antivirus: Explorer.exe Suspended Mode1.3 Change The File Explorer Options1.4 Clear The Cache Of The File Explorer1.5 Run SFC Scan1.6 Use Windows PowerShell1.7 Final Words

Restart Windows Explorer: File Explorer is Missing

The very first thing that you can try to do to fix this issue is restarting Windows Explorer. You can easily restart Windows Explorer using the task manager. To do so, follow the steps given below-

Press CTRL+ALT+DEL key combo together, and then on the screen that opens up, click on Task Manager.In the Processes tab, search for Windows Explorer and then select it.Now click on the restart option that you will find at the bottom right corner of the task manager’s window.

This will restart the File Explorer and most probably fix the crashing issue with the File Explorer. ALSO CHECK: How To Get Tabs on Windows 11 File Explorer

Uninstall Antivirus: Explorer.exe Suspended Mode

If your File Explorer keeps crashing on Windows 11, then it can be because of Antivirus or Anti-malware programs installed on your PC. Many times an antivirus may mess up with your File manager, thus crashing it. So you can try disabling the antivirus or uninstall it. If uninstalling the antivirus did fix the issue, then probably, you were facing the issue because of the antivirus. If the problem is still not solved, then the antivirus has nothing to do with the problem.

Change The File Explorer Options

The very next thing that you can try doing is changing the File Explorer options. Changing the File Explorer options can most probably fix the issue for you.

Click on the Start icon to open the start menu, and then search for Control Panel and open it. Now head to the search bar in the control panel and search for File Explorer Options. Open File Explorer Options. By default, you will be on the general tab in the File Explorer Options. You will find a drop-down menu right beside Open File Explorer To: option. Select This PC from the drop-down menu. 

Click on Apply, and then close the window and the Control Panel as well, and your issue will be solved. 

CHECK: Windows 11 Start Menu Not Working: Here’s How To Fix?

Clear The Cache Of The File Explorer

Many times the cache accumulated of the File Manager can also cause it to crash. Old cached data may have corrupt files which must be cleared. To clear the cache of the File Explorer, follow the steps given below-

Run SFC Scan

SFC scans for any problem with your system and fixes it. This will scan for any problem with your File, such as corrupt files which might be causing the File Explorer to crash, and then fix it. If your File Explorer keeps crashing on Windows 11, then running an SFC scan might be the next option for you.

In the start menu, search for Command Prompt. Right-click on Command Prompt, and then click on the run as administrator. This will start the Command Prompt as administrator.In the Command Prompt, type the command sfc /scannow and hit Enter.

The process will start. Wait for it to complete, and then restart your PC.

This should most probably fix the issue for you.

Use Windows PowerShell

If the above method didn’t work for you, you should try fixing the issue with Windows PowerShell. Follow the steps given below to use PowerShell to fix the issue. READ MORE:

How To Repair Windows 11 EasilyHow To Turn Off Automatic Updates On Windows 11

Final Words

These were some of the possible fixes that you can try if your File Explorer keeps crashing on Windows 11. We hope these methods work for you and fix the problem that you are facing.


How To Fix Windows 11 File Explorer Keeps Crashing  6 Ways  - 78How To Fix Windows 11 File Explorer Keeps Crashing  6 Ways  - 10How To Fix Windows 11 File Explorer Keeps Crashing  6 Ways  - 74