iTech Hacks is a blog of technology founded in Himachal Pradesh, India by Mr. Mukesh Bhardwaj and is frequently updated by him and his team (They all are really a skilled one) with about 10 posts per week. Here you can find crazy things about technology which you might be barely knowing. You will also find detailed guides and step by step methods to eliminate any kind of technical trouble encountered by you on your smartphone or PC. The top-lists of this website features all kinds of best free apps and useful software to carry out various tasks on your smartphone or PC. According to the list top 100 Tech Blogs in the world generated by, which is a reputed website, iTech Hacks falls under the top 100 Tech Blogs on the web. iTech Hacks has secured the 46th position leaving behind more than half of the other websites featuring in this list of top 100 tech blogs in the world. iTech Hacks has 72,433 Facebook fans, 212,381 Alexa Rank. You can check out this website on ‘’ and get all the tech related guides, news, etc. If you like the hard work and the content provided by this website then, you can subscribe to it and never miss any update. You can also follow iTech Hacks on Facebook, Instagram, and twitter.