The activities of Youth Clubs could be significant in organizing such voluntary efforts. In India, a large number of Youth Clubs function at the grassroots’ level but tend to lack direction in their activities due to lack of guidance. This scheme, therefore, is an attempt at giving a positive direction to the Youth Club activities. The scheme specifically aims to: (a) organize and channelise youth energy in character-building activities (b) develop amongst youth a sense of pride in nationally accepted values like democracy, socialism, secularism, (c) develop consciousness among youth against social evils such as dowry, untouchability, drug addiction, etc., (d) enable the youth to develop an awareness of the environment, culture, ownself, (e) provide facilities for developing rural sports at the grass-root level, (f) organize activities for the preservation of cultural heritage especially of the rural areas, (g) provide an opportunity to the youth for participation in rural community development works through developmental schemes like TRYSEM, IRDP, etc. so as to enable the youth below poverty-line to be properly identified by such Youth Clubs and brought into the developmental programmes, and (h) provide an opportunity for training at the village level leading to self-employment or better employment.
The Ministry of Youth Affairs has been running several youth welfare schemes for the development of youth in the age group of 15-35 years. Recently, all the schemes of the Ministry Concerning Youth Affairs have been reviewed as per the instructions received from the Ministry of Finance in the context of Zero-based budgeting. The following schemes which were continuing during the 9th five-year plan and has over-lapping objectives have been identified for the merger:
(I) Financial Assistance to Voluntary Organisation working in the field of Youth; (II) Training of Youth; (III) Exhibition for Youth; and (IV) Special Scheme for promotion of youth activities in tribal areas. After the merger, the composite scheme will be called “Financial Assistance for Promotion of Youth Activities & Training” and will have a pooled budget. Sub-Components The Scheme of Financial Assistance for Promotion of Youth Activities and Training will have the following sub-components; (a) Vocational Training (b) Entrepreneurship Development (c) Exhibition
This scheme has been in operation for about two and a half decades now. The objective of the Scheme is to facilitate the creation of Sports Infrastructure throughout the country. The Ministry is also operating another Scheme of Grant to Rural Schools. Under that scheme, a lump-sum one-time grant of Rs. 1.50 lakh is given to Rural School for development of playground and purchase of sports equipment. That scheme is a Sub-Scheme of this main Scheme of Grants for Creation of sports Infrastructure and a copy of the above-finalized scheme has already been circulated to all States/Uts.
The grant can be availed of by the State Governments/UT Administrations, Local statutory Bodies such as Municipalities/Municipal Corporations/Notified Area Committee/Cantonment Boards and Registered Voluntary Organisations active in the field of Sports. The Voluntary Organisations should not have restricted/closed membership based on caste, sex, race or religion etc. The sponsors will have to give an undertaking that they will follow a project approach so as to ensure proper utilization and maintenance of the facility/infrastructure after it is created.
The Ministry of Labour is responsible for labour policy and legislation, safety, health and welfare, social security of labour, policy relating to special target groups such as women and child labour and employment services and vocational services etc. GRANT-IN-AID SCHEME FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO VOLUNTARY AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS FOR TAKING UP ACTION PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF CHILD LABOUR AND WOMEN LABOUR The Ministry of Labour has been financing voluntary organizations since 1981-82, by way of grant-in-aid for taking up action-oriented projects for the benefit of child labour and women labour. The government announced the National Policy on Child Labour in August 1987. The action plan under the policy on National Child Labour focuses on general development programmes for benefiting children, the prohibition of child labour in hazardous employments and regulate their working conditions in other employments/occupations. The government has been laying stress on the involvement of voluntary organizations furthering government policy of helping women workers to become aware of their rights and opportunities and also be become economically independent. The Women Cell in the Ministry of Labour encourages and provides assistance to voluntary agencies to formulate income generating scheme and another action project for women labour.
To provide financial assistance to voluntary organizations to take up action-oriented research and study on the subject of child labour and preventive measures to discourage further accretion of children into employment and to take up welfare projects for working children. To involve voluntary organizations to formulate for women labour so as to enable them to participate actively in socio-economic development.
Implementing Agencies
Registered Voluntary Organisations with at least two years of experience in the implementation of welfare programmes/Public Trust/Charitable Company/University or Institutions of higher learning.
Grants are given for the following activities:- (a) Child Labour •Useful and action-oriented research or study on the subject of child labour. • Welfare of child labour through activities like formal/non-formal education, vocational training, provision of health care and nutrition. • Preventive measure to discourage further accretion of child labour. (b) Women Labour • Organizing working women and educating them about their rights/duties and providing legal aid to working women. • Training & skill development, encouraging the formation of cooperative societies of women workers. • Conducting seminars/workshop etc. aiming at raising the general consciousness of the society about problems of women labour • Action-oriented research/study regarding the problems of women workers & their employment status. Financial Assistance Financial assistance is provided to eligible voluntary organizations for: • All activities and infrastructure approved up to 75 per cent of the cost. • Essential office equipment on a one-time basis up to 75 per cent subject to a maximum ceiling of Rs 20,000/-. • 100 per cent assistance for surveys, studies etc. • No grant will be provided for the acquisition of land and building or purchase of vehicles, computers, plant and machinery etc.
The application should be sent to the Department in the prescribed form and routed through the State Government/U.T. Administration. An advance copy may be sent to the Director, Women and Child Labour Cell, Ministry of Labour, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi 110 001.
Road Safety & Highways
How to make the proposal
The application is to be made in duplicate, in the prescribed proforma by the Head of the Organisation, along with the following documents: (a) Evidence in support of registration of the Organisation under the Registration of Societies Act, 1860; (b) Memorandum & Articles of Association; (c) List of members of the managing/executive committee; (d) Audited statements of accounts for the last 3 years (in the case NGOs); (e) Annual report or other documents indicating details of the activities of the organization, especially in relation to Road Safety Programmes; (f) Details of the proposal indicating the objectives, details of activity proposed with time schedule, total financial implications, and the quantum of assistance sought under this scheme; and (g) The details of assistance received or likely to be available from other sources including Central Government/State Government, local authorities or self contribution.
Whom to Submit the Proposal
All applications, in duplicate, are to be addressed to Secretary, Ministry of Surface Transport, indicating “Application for grant-in-aid for administering Road Safety Programmes” and be sent to the Under Secretary (Road Safety), Ministry of Surface Transport, Transport Bhawan, 1, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110 001 through the respective Transport Commissioner.
Rural Development
Science & Technology Development
SCHEMES OF MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (Department of Scientific and Industrial Research) Technology Development & Utilization Programme for Women Objectives of the Programme The objectives of the Programme are: (I) Promoting the adoption of new technologies by women. (II) Awareness creation and training of women in various technologies. (III) Technological up-gradation of tiny, small and medium enterprises run by women entrepreneurs. (IV) Showcasing of appropriate technologies and organizing demonstration programmes for the benefit of women Projects Eligible for Funding DSIR under its “Technology Development and Utilization Programme for Women (TDUPW)” provides assistance for those projects which are relevant to the betterment of women. In Particular, the projects of the following nature are eligible for assistance:
- Studies/surveys for the assessment of the information needs of women in different walks of life.
- Documentation and content development in the following aspects: a. Women’s rights and legal provisions b. Technologies are useful for subsistence production, personal care and community management including food processing, water conservation, waste disposal, maintenance of health and hygiene, etc. c. Best practices in promoting economic activities by women. d. Contribution of women innovators/entrepreneurs. e. Contribution of Women Scientists/Technologists working in various scientific laboratories. f. Technologies and products are beneficial to women. g. Establishing Consultancy Cells for imparting technical knowledge on the adoption of latest technologies. h. Awareness creation and training of women in information and computer technologies. i. Case studies of successful R&D and businesswomen. Guidelines for Submission of Project proposals for Financial Assistance Programme for Women- Ministry of Science and Technology Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi- 110016 Telefax: 91-11-26516078, Tele: 91-11-26565329,
(a) To encourage research in newly emerging and front-line areas of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Marine Ecology, Marine Biology, Marine Microbiology, Marine coastal Culture, Marine Benthos, Beach placers, Ocean Engineering Under Water Robotics. (b) To encourage Research Organizations, Institutions, I.I.T.s, Universities to undertake projects with industrial tie-ups. (c) To generate reliable data and information System. (d) To strengthen/create infrastructure facilities in Universities/Institutions/Organizations to generate manpower in the fields of Marine Science and Technology. The Copies of the proposal with all documents must be sent to the Research Coordinator, Ocean Science and Technology Cell for the Respective area of specialization with a copy to: The Director, Ocean Research & Manpower Development Programme, Government of India, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Block 12, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003 Telephone: 011-24360865/243642278/24364182 Fax: 011-24360336/24360779). The enquiries regarding the status of the project can be made from the Ocean Science and Technology Cell only after six months from the date of the number given by OSTC along with the Project Title.
DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (DIT)-R&D Projects Funding Promotion of research & development efforts in electronics and related fields in the country has been one of the major activities of the Department of Information Technology. Accordingly, DIT has been providing financial support to projects/schemes for undertaking research/development in the areas of Information Technology, Micro-electronics, Industrial Electronics, Strategic Electronics. Materials and Components as well as applications of Electronics in various sectors. Applications for submitting a project proposal for consideration of financial support by DIT are to be made in the prescribed FORMAT and three copies are required to be sent to the concerned contact person (as given in the list below) depending upon the area of the project proposal. Academic institutes, Research Laboratories and industries with a proven track record in R&D may submit proposals for consideration of funding by the Department of Information Technology. Broad Areas/Thrust Areas for Project Funding I. Convergence Communications Internet & Broadband Technology • Mobile Wireless technology devices, network and systems • Digital broadcasting with collocated Internet access • Low-Cost Internet access devices • Broadband technology solutions and services • Internet proliferation • Development and deployment of cost-effective and relevant services in such areas as e-Governance, e-learning, telemedicine. E-entertainment with public-private partnership model, particularly in remote/rural areas • Development of Indian languages based contents on the net using user-friendly, low-cost software tools 19. Waste Management
Waste Minimization Waste Minimization is an appropriate strategy to address the problems of industrial pollution. The objective of the scheme is to assist the small and medium scale industries in the adoption of cleaner production practices. Under the grant-in-aid scheme Industrial Pollution Abatement through Preventive Strategies, a component of “Waste Minimization in Small Scale Industries” is being implemented through the National Productivity Council and other agencies. So far 118 Waste Minimization Circles have been established in 41 sectors in 17 geographic locations throughout the country. The activities undertaken under this include the following: • Establishing and running Waste Minimization Circles in clusters of Small Scale Industries. • Capacity building in the area of Waste Minimization/Cleaner Production through training and awareness programmes. • Waste Minimization demonstration studies in selected industrial sectors. • Preparation of sector-specific technical manuals on waste minimization. • Preparation of a compendium of success stories on cleaner production/waste minimization. Clean Technology Another grant-in-aid scheme on “Clean Technology” is in operation in the Ministry since 1994. The objectives of the scheme are as follows: (I) To develop and promote programmes for clean technologies (II) To develop tools and techniques for pollution prevention (III) To formulate strategies and programmes in sustainable development. Since the inception of the scheme, a number of studies have been undertaken through IITs, CSIR, NPC and other agencies. These studies include Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in key industrial sectors, Carrying Capacity (CC) studies in selected geographical regions and pollution prevention studies in important industries.
TOTAL SANITATION CAMPAIGN The main objectives of the TSC are as under: a. Bring about an improvement in the general quality of life in rural areas. b. Accelerate sanitation coverage in rural areas to access to toilets to all by 2012. c. Motivate communities and Panchayati Raj Institutions promoting sustainable sanitation facilities through awareness creation and health education. d. In rural areas, cover schools by March 2008 and Anganwadis by March 2009, with sanitation facilities and promote hygiene education and sanitary habits among students. e. Encourage cost-effective and appropriate technologies for ecologically safe and sustainable sanitation. f. Develop community managed environmental sanitation systems focusing on solid & liquid waste management. Components • Individual Household Latrines – BPL/APL • Sanitary complex • Toilets for schools/Balwadi/Anganwadi • Rural Sanitary Mart • Production Centers
PILOT PROJECT FOR HOSPITAL WASTE MANAGEMENT IN GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS The Ministry of Environment & Forests notified the “Bio-Medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1998” in July 1998. Contact: Directorate General of Health Services Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110011. Tel/Fax: 3014594 20. Women
SCHEMES OF MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (Department of Scientific and Industrial Research)
Technology for Submission of Project Proposals for Financial Assistance Ministry of Science and Technology Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110 016 Telefax : 91-11-26516078, Tele : 91-11-26565329 Email:, Objectives of the Programme The objectives of the programme are: (I) Promoting the adoption of new technologies by women. (II) Awareness creation and training of women in various technologies. (III) Technological up-gradation of tiny, small and medium enterprises run by women entrepreneurs (IV) Showcasing of appropriate technologies and organizing demonstration programmes for the benefit of women Projects Eligible for Funding DSIR under its “Technology Development and Utilization Programme for women (TDUPW)” provides assistance for those projects which are relevant to the betterment of women. In particular, the projects of the following nature are eligible for assistance:
- Studies/ surveys for the assessment of the information needs of women in different walks of life.
- Documentation and content development in the following aspects: a. Women’s rights and legal provisions b. Technologies are useful for subsistence production, personal care and community management including food processing, water conservation, waste disposal, maintenance of health and hygiene etc. c. Best practices in promoting economic activities by women. d. Contribution of women innovators/entrepreneurs. e. Contribution of Women Scientists/Technologists working in various scientific laboratories. f. Technologies and products beneficial to women g. Establishing Consultancy Cells for imparting technical knowledge on the adoption of the latest technologies. h. Awareness creation and training of women in information and computer technologies. i. Case studies of successful R&D and businesswomen. Schemes of Ministry of Human Resource Development
1. Scheme of Assistance to Voluntary Agencies under Mahila Samakhya
Mahila Samakhya is a women’s empowerment project which not only aims at service delivery but also seeks to bring about a change in women’s perception about themselves and that of society in regard to women’s traditional roles. It endeavours to create an environment for women to seek knowledge and information in order to make informed choices and create circumstances in which women can learn at their own pace and rhythm. The centrality of education in the struggle to achieve equality is an important focus of Mahila Samakhya. i. Object i. To evolve a modality of planning involving government institutions and voluntary agencies reaching out to the women in villages in a continuous dialogue so that the educative principle is not subordinated to the desire for immediate results. ii. To adopt an area intensive approach to integrate the existing efforts to provide formal and non-formal schooling, adult education up-gradation of educational qualifications through condensed courses and vocational training. ii. Eligibility Educational institutions, registered societies, public trusts and non-profit making companies which are working outside the Project Districts of Mahila Samakhya would be eligible for assistance under the Scheme. iii. Purpose of Grants 100% assistance for:- a. Taking up well-designed fields projects for women’s empowerment and education; b. Developments of learning material, instruction/learning aids, and other aspects of technical resource development; c. Training; d. Creation of educational facilities for girls and women’s education by taking up experimental/innovative programmes; e. Evaluation and research; f. Activities for the dissemination of the outcome of experimental/innovative programmes and their adoption, including visits to experimental innovative projects, publications, documentation, etc; 2. Other Schemes
- Scheme for Re-finance to Urban Co-Operative Banks/Mahila Co-Operative Banks.
- Setting up of Employment-Cum-Income Generating Unit (NORAD)
- Support for Training & Employment for women (STEP)
- Swayamsidha (IWEP)
- Scheme of Assistance For the Construction/Expansion of Hostel Building For Working Women With A Day Care Centre. Address: Depart. Of Women & Child Development Govt. Of India, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.
- Nutrition Education & Training Through Community Food & Nutrition Extension Units (CFNEUS).
- Scheme of Assistance To Educational Work For Prevention of Atrocities On Women.
- Scheme of Organizational Assistance to Voluntary Organisation For Women & Child Development.
- General Grant-In-Aid Scheme For Assistance to Voluntary Organisation In the Field of Women & Child Development.
- The scheme on Community Based Production of Nutritious Foods.
- Scheme of Assistance To Voluntary Agencies For Early Childhood Education For 3-6 Age Group Children Under the programme of Universalisation of Elementary Education. Contact: The Under Secretary (Voluntary Agencies) Deptt. Of Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development C Wing, Shashtri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 Abbreviations used: R & D: Research & Development S & T: Science & Technology