What is the MIX Global 100 Composite Ranking?

The MIX Global 100 attempts to provide a composite picture of MFI performance using a series of attributes: outreach, efficiency, and transparency. It views MFI performance, something that is inherently local and influenced by the conditions of the market in which the MFI must operate, through the lens of universal goals—a financially sound institution and expanding outreach to clients at the lowest possible cost—and all done in the public arena so that others may learn from the experience. Managers must strike a balance in achieving progress toward these goals, and the ranking methodology captures important trade-offs: strong growth without compromising credit risk, improving efficiency without compromising portfolio quality, and expanding access while still offering an array of services. While it does not purport to be the definitive microfinance ranking, this ranking does intend to offer a starting point for the analysis of institutions operating in the sector. While readers may use the MIX Global 100 for many analytical purposes, several are explicitly not intended. The Composite Ranking is not intended to be a buy list of MFIs. The institutions have not been screened for their openness to foreign investment nor for the legality or practicality of cross-border investment in securities which they might issue. The composite is also not intended to be a rating of the MFIs presented. The simplistic quantitative methodology used to construct the rankings does not replicate the scope and depth necessary to provide anything like a rating, and far less, a recommendation. Download the 2009 MIX Global Composite Ranking of Microfinance Institutions at the link below: 2009 MIX Global 100 Composite – PDF – 15 Pages – 650 KB

Top 100 Microfinance Institutions in the World


Top 100 Microfinance Institutions in the World - 23