How To Fix Samsung TV Volume Stuck and Not Working

In this article, we shared how you can fix the Samsung TV Volume stuck.

1 How To Fix Samsung TV Volume Stuck and Not Working1.1 Replace Remote Batteries1.2 Power Cycle Your TV1.3 Update System1.4 Reset Smart Hub1.5 Factory Reset The TV1.6 Contact Samsung Remote Support2 Final Words

Replace Remote Batteries

The first thing you should try doing is replacing the remote batteries. If your remote batteries are dead, you will likely face the issue. Change the batteries on your remote, and then try changing the volume. Doing so should most probably fix the issue, and you should be able to change the volume of the Samsung TV now.

Power Cycle Your TV

Another troubleshooting step to try is to power cycle your TV. Power Cycling your TV fixes temporary glitches and bugs you face like Samsung TV volume stuck. To do so, follow the steps given below-

Please turn off your TV and wait for a few seconds for it to turn off completely.Now disconnect the TV from the power supply and wait for a few minutes until you plug it back again. Directly connect your TV to the power supply after a minute or two.After doing so, turn on your TV, and the issue should be fixed, and you will be able to change the volume.

Update System

If your Samsung TV is running on an outdated system, you may face issues with it. You can try updating the firmware of our Samsung TV. After you have updated your Samsung TV’s firmware, restart it, and you will now be able to change the volume of your TV.

Reset Smart Hub

Resetting Smart Hub on your Samsung TV removes all your account information, and the settings are returned to the factory defaults. To reset The Smart Hub, follow the steps given below-

Press the Settings button on your TV remote.In the Settings window, head to Support/General and then Self Diagnosis. Next, select the Reset Smart Hub option. You will be asked to enter the PIN. If you haven’t set the PIN, enter 0000, the default PIN for Samsung TV.It will take some time to reset the Smart Hub. Once the reset is completed, you should now be able to change the volume on your TV.

Factory Reset The TV

The next thing to try to fix the Samsung TV volume stuck issue is factory resetting the TV. To factory reset your TV, follow the steps given below-

Press the Settings button on the Remote to open the Settings menu on your TV.Once headed to the Settings window, head to the Support/General section.Here, head to the Self Diagnosis section and then select Reset. Wait for the TV to get reset. Once you have reset your TV, try changing the volume again and check if you still face the issue or not.

Contact Samsung Remote Support

If none of the above steps did help you fix the issue, you should try contacting Samsung Remote Support. You can contact Samsung Remote Support from this contact number 1-800-726-7864. You can contact remote support regarding the issue you are facing, and they should be able to fix it.

Final Words

If your Samsung TV volume is stuck and you cannot increase or decrease the volume, you can follow the steps given above in this article. Following the above steps, you can fix the issue you have been facing. RELATED GUIDES:

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