This hierarchy is related to the degree of connections a user has in his network. This guide will show you what degree connections mean on LinkedIn and what does 3rd+ mean on LinkedIn. Read on to know more.
What Do Connections Mean on LinkedIn?
Besides creating your profile, establishing your experiences, and a complete resume, LinkedIn also gives you the option to make connections. These help you to join networks, which will help your chances of landing a job. More connections create more networks that can be vital in your career.
1 What Do Connections Mean on LinkedIn?2 What Does 1st, 2nd, and 3rd+ Mean on LinkedIn?2.1 1st Degree Connections2.2 2nd Degree Connections2.3 3rd Degree Connections3 Other LinkedIn Users4 Final Thoughts
What Does 1st, 2nd, and 3rd+ Mean on LinkedIn?
Typically, this hierarchy is connection degrees; it shows your connection level with another user. This helps other professionals view how close you are to your connections. Connection degrees will be displayed beside the profile name of a user. Here’s an in-depth meaning of what these connection degrees represent:
1st Degree Connections
These are connections that you’ve connected with directly. This occurs when they’ve accepted your invitation to connect or vice versa. Unlike other connection degrees, you can contact 1st-degree connections through a direct message. You’ll also see the 1st icon on their profile name and the search results.
2nd Degree Connections
2nd-degree connections are professionals that are connected to your 1st-degree connections. A 2nd icon will display next to their profile name. Also, you’ll have the option to send them an invitation to join your network by clicking the Connect button on their profile or messaging them via InMail.
3rd Degree Connections
These are connections that are linked to your 2nd-degree connections. The 3rd icon on their profile name will be displayed. Compared to the other two connection degrees, you’ll have a more challenging time connecting with 3rd-degree connections. Here’s a guide that can help you when connecting with them:
If you can see their full name, you can click the Connect button to send an invitation to your network. Once only the first letter of their last name is shown, you can contact them via InMail to send an invitation.
Other LinkedIn Users
Other users that don’t belong to your network will have the label “Out of Network” on their profile or the name “LinkedIn Member” shown on their profile. However, there’s a chance that you’ve met them in various LinkedIn groups. To connect with them, you can send an InMail.
Final Thoughts
LinkedIn is a great platform where you can create connections and join networks. Some professionals can also view your network and see what connection degrees you share with your other connections. As said by other LinkedIn users, having 2nd-degree connections is arguably the most valuable since you’ll have more access and communication with them compared to different connection degrees. Hopefully, this guide helps you know what 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-degree connections mean on LinkedIn.