We think you must! Internships are a great way to learn new skills and make valuable connections in your industry. They can also give you valuable experience for future endeavors. Internships are a great way to develop expertise in your stream and socialize with crucial co-workers and employers which can prove to be beneficial for your professional career. However, every internship may not prove to be equally beneficial for you. Therefore, it is vital to find a suitable internship program, which can be a daunting task at times. But, when you get your desired internship, we do not want you to lose the opportunity. So, we have come up with this guide which will inform you about the best answers, thus helping you get selected effortlessly. One of the most common questions we generally encounter is “Why should you be hired for this internship?” or “Why should we hire you to our company?” You can answer this question in various ways. The best way to answer such a tricky question depends on what type of skills you possess and how those skills can help your employer’s company to grow. This article is all about how to answer “Why should you be hired for this internship or role?” So let’s understand how to deal with such questions from your employers!

How does an internship help you grow professionally?

When it comes to advancing your career, an internship can be a big help. Whether you are looking for entry-level work or hoping to advance in your current field, internships are incredibly valuable. They allow you to gain real-world experience and learn from professionals at the top of their fields. You will also have the chance to build connections that could lead to future opportunities down the road. And with today’s competitive job market, internships are more important than ever. So if you are wondering how an internship can benefit your career, here are a few reasons: Also Read: 32 Best Online Jobs for Students to Earn Money

How to Answer the Question ‘Why should you be hired for this Internship or Role?’

Depending on the career you choose, here are some insights we are sharing with you on how to answer, “Why should you be hired for this Internship?”. So read below carefully what your answer must sound like!

Example 1:

As a fresher, I am sure that my skills will be useful to you. I am enthusiastic. You need someone who can help your company grow by taking on an active role within marketing departments and providing support when necessary. My knowledge in marketing will empower your company’s networking and provide leadership opportunities alongside giving an insight into the current marketing trends.

Example 2:

I am a quick learner and can take on responsibilities quickly. I have a piece of in-depth knowledge. I have undergone thorough research about your industry and have an idea about the kind of work you deal in. When I got to know about this internship, I was confident that I would be the perfect match for this role. I am confident that I will be a valuable asset to your company by learning about the industry and using my skills and knowledge.

Example 3:

I am a passionate and hard-working individual who has years of industry experience. I want to use my creativity and skills in the most effective way possible by joining your team as an intern! With so much growth potential, it will be great if we can work together on this internship opportunity. I think no one else better than me could take up such challenging tasks, including creative abilities, alongside technical know-how from multiple industries.

Example 4:

While researching your organization, I came across all the efforts that your organization make by helping the needy and poverty-stricken people. I volunteer when there are events organized by different charities such as yours. It is a pleasure to be able to help the needy, and I am glad that you have been working in this field for many years. It will be an amazing opportunity to work with you.

Example 5:

I am a well organized and disciplined individual with several leadership skills. As an intern, you will get to work closely with me on various projects requiring management-level employees’ attention. Additionally, I have experience managing part-time jobs, which should help your department flourish if paired up correctly.

Example 6: 

I’m an expert when it comes to SEO and Google rankings. I can write effective content for your website or blog, tailored specifically to what you and your target audience want. I know how to optimize sites with keywords and avoid any spam techniques that could get you penalized by Google or affect your ranking system. With my extensive experience in this field, I can provide your team with invaluable guidance on how to improve their skills. Additionally, I will be getting ample opportunity for self-improvement.

Example 7:

I am an intense and disciplined student. I have always believed in doing my tasks to the fullest and giving it my all whenever some task needs to be completed, be it academics or extracurricular activities. This has been one of many things that have helped me achieve success while studying at college. I have always believed in completing tasks within a time frame before the deadline lapse. If you assign me a task, I believe in completing it properly and correctly.

Example 8:

I am very excited about the opportunity of working with your company. I have always dreamt of being a part of your organization that is so successful and has helped many people grow professionally over time. It seems like we would make a great team together! This can be one of the best answers to “Why should you be hired for this Internship” question.

Example 9:

There are many reasons why I would make the perfect addition to your team. My dedication and hard work will help both me and your company to succeed. Being able to balance things easily is one aspect that sets me apart from other people who apply for such positions. I am a multitasker. I can keep calm and work under pressure diligently.

Example 10:

It would be best if you had someone who could handle all aspects from hiring through management without an error. I am confident that my experience in Human Resources will make me an asset to your company. Plus, my goals align with the role you are offering. Also Read: 40 Best Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners

Example 11:

My experience in finance has given me skills that will help your company grow. My vision is to use my intense knowledge of finance for the betterment and growth of all people who come into contact with it. I guess I am well experienced with finance-specific skills to fit your role.

Example 12:

With my background in sales, customer service, and project management, I am confident that you will find what makes me an excellent fit for this position. My goal-based approach aligns perfectly with your company’s needs, which makes me feel we should work together. I think my experience will make me a great fit for this position which is why you should consider hiring me.

Example 13:

My goal is always to deliver the best possible solutions to customers so that we can grow together. Your company can use my skills and experience in business analytics for the best possible outcome. I know that will require hard work, and I am a hard-working, disciplined person. I have the necessary skills and experience for this role, which makes me an ideal candidate for the internship in your company for this position.

Things to Remember while answering ‘Why should you be hired for this internship or role?’

As we have discussed, perhaps the most common question that every candidate faces while on an interview is why should you be hired for this internship or role?

Some of you may get confused about how to handle such types of questions and answer your employer promptly and with confidence. Sometimes, it may become more challenging if you are applying for an internship role and you are just a fresher. Here are some tips that will guide you and make your answer simple and specific in case you face this “frequently asked” question:

Try keeping your answer job-specific and genuine. Authenticity is the key to a successful interview. Ensure to present yourself properly before the employer. Speak to your employer about the skills or experience you carry. Tell them briefly about your qualifications. Show your enthusiasm about work. Also, you must share your experiences with them, if you have any. Remember to do thorough research and background study about the company giving you the internship, so that you know their mechanism of work and are confident while answering their questions. Talk about some unique qualities or hobbies you possess that are different from others. While answering their question, keep your answer to the point, short, simple and precise unless asked to explain. You must maintain a short explanation in 2 minutes for your answers. Also, try to end your answer with an example or demo related to the question asked. Or you may share with them some previous experiences you had related to the question they ask. Share with them the benefits or advantages they might have by hiring you. Finally, do not forget to mention how fond you are of working with their organization and how much you are willing to be a part of it.

Pro Tips:

Try to keep your approach professional. Be confident and polite, and maintain calm while you speak to your employer. This is an important characteristic that every employer looks through while interviewing. Also, keeping your sitting posture easy, and confident is also very important. Many people often encounter this query when they are doing higher-level education and preparing to get hired for a reputable organization or even going for government job interviews, private businesses, etc. So, whether you are a fresher or experienced candidate, we have provided you with some of the best ideas and examples of how to answer “Why should you be hired for this Internship?”  Follow one of these examples depending on the kind of internship you are applying for and your educational background. These tips will certainly help you crack the internship interview. Hope we have provided you with some of the best ideas on how to handle questions like why you should be hired for this internship. We hope our tips help you reach your goals.

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