Start earning today with work from home online jobs

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List of Legitimate online part-time jobs 2016

1. Solve Captchas Online while sitting at home 

You can easily earn an income of US$220 (Rs 15,000) per month by solving captchas. A captcha refers to the scrambled text image that you find when you are filling up forms or leaving a comment on a website. Captchas prevent automated robots from signing up and is used by websites to verify that you are a human user. Many digital marketers who use bots to post on multiple websites or sign up for multiple accounts, use the services of humans to decipher these captchas. You can earn up to 2 dollars for every 1000 captchas you decipher, by working 2-3 hours a day you can easily earn more than Rs 10,000 per month quickly. This type of online typing work is the easiest to perform and any work from home moms can do it with minimal coaching and knowledge of computers. You can register for free at Mega Typers. Remember to enter the code BG91 in the Invitation Code field of the signup form. If you don’t use this code you will not be eligible for this data entry work.

2. Do Micro Jobs Online

Every day millions of short tasks are posted online by busy professionals who do not have the time to complete them. These jobs involve doing a little research, typing text, writing an article, adding up your home expenses, creating a plan, testing a website, etc. These micro-tasks take very little time to complete but can pay you US$ 3-4 for every hour you work. ( Rs 300 per hour).

3. Work as a Freelancer

Freelancer websites offer work for experienced professionals who have acquired skills and experience. If you are an engineer or MBA graduate student you will find it very easy to get an online job as a freelancer. The work available on these websites span the fields of web design, writing and translation, admin jobs, financial analysis, digital marketing, accounting, legal advisory, and data entry work. Sign up at the website given above to earn your first rupee.

4. Make money online by starting your own business

5. Sell your Homemade food online

Do you cook delicious food? If yes then you can earn at-least 20,000 rupees every month by selling your home-cooked food online. Moreover, you can work from your existing kitchen and are not required to make any new investments.  Ordering home cooked food online is a new trend that is fast catching up in India and moms are turning their kitchens into business empires.

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